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Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja: Uniting Divine Love and Spiritual Significance


Explanation of Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja


Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja is a prominent Hindu festival celebrated during the month of Kartik, which is October/November. It is a symbolic wedding ceremony between Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi or the holy basil plant. The festival is celebrated as a way of giving thanks to the goddess for her many blessings to humanity


Significance of the puja


The significance of this puja lies in its association with Lord Vishnu, who is regarded as the preserver and protector of the universe in Hindu mythology. It serves as an opportunity for devotees to express their gratitude and reverence towards Lord Vishnu for his role in preserving the harmony and balance in nature. Moreover, this puja also highlights the spiritual significance of Maa Tulsi or holy basil plant which has been revered since ancient times for its medicinal properties. 


It is believed that performing this puja during Kartik Purnima brings immense blessings and good luck to one's life. Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja holds great importance in Hindu culture due to its association with Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi, two entities that represent purity, devotion, and prosperity. 


History and Origin of Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja


Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja is an ancient Hindu ritual celebrated annually, which signifies the marriage of Lord Vishnu with Maa Tulsi. This puja is performed on the day of “Ekadashi” that falls between the months of October to November. The word “Tulsi” refers to Holy Basil, which holds a special place in Hindu mythology. It is believed that performing this puja with full devotion and dedication brings harmony, peace, and prosperity in one's life. 


Mythological story behind the puja


According to Hindu mythology, there was a demon named Jalandhar who was invincible as long as his wife Vrinda (a form of Goddess Tulsi) remained chaste. In order to overcome Jalandhar, Lord Vishnu assumed the guise of Jalandhar himself and cunningly deceived Vrinda by manifesting as her husband, thus leading her to break her sacred vow.


When Vrinda found out that it was not her husband but Lord Vishnu who had taken his form, she cursed him to turn into a stone idol. And since then, it has been believed that anyone who worships Lord Vishnu along with Maa Tulsi will receive blessings equivalent to those received by performing Kanyadaan (the act of giving away one's daughter in marriage). 


Historical significance of the puja


The festival has roots in ancient Indian history, where it has been mentioned in various texts such as Skand Purana and Padma Purana. The festival marks the beginning of the wedding season in India when people take their vows before the Gods for a blessed married life ahead. 


The festival also celebrates Mother Nature's bounty as well; Hindus believe that planting tulsi seeds during this time will bring good luck and prosperity throughout their lives as holy basil is considered a medicinal plant with numerous healing properties. Overall, the Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja offers a wonderful opportunity for devotees to connect with their faith while celebrating the beauty and harmony of nature. 


Preparation for Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja


Cleaning and Decorating the House


Before the puja, it is customary to clean and decorate the house to welcome Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi. The house is thoroughly cleaned to ensure that it is free of dirt, dust, and clutter. 


This not only creates a clean environment but also symbolizes purity of thoughts and actions. The entrances are decorated with mango leaves or toran and rangoli designs are drawn at the entrance depicting flowers, birds, or geometric patterns. 


Preparing the Altar for the Puja


The altar for the puja is usually set up in a room where there are no distractions or disturbances. It could be a separate room or a designated space in a room where there will be no interference from other activities in the household. 


A small raised platform is set up using bricks or wood blocks, which is then covered with a clean white cloth. A picture of Lord Vishnu along with Maa Tulsi's plant will be placed on this platform along with other items required for puja. 


Gathering Necessary Items for the Puja


There are few essential items that need to be gathered before the puja commences. These items include: 


- A picture of Lord Vishnu 

- A betel nut 

- Eight types of grains 

- Durva (a type of grass) 

- Flowers (preferably tulsi flowers) 

- Incense sticks 

- Diyas (oil lamps) 

- Camphor 


All these items should be kept ready before starting any rituals so that there won't be any disturbance while performing pujas. Some families also keep additional fruits, sweets and other food offerings like puri sabzi etc on hand as Prasad after completing all rituals.


Preparing well ahead makes sure everything runs smoothly and avoids interruptions during the puja. The next section will cover the rituals and customs that are part of 

Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja. 


Rituals and Customs during Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja


The Wedding Ceremony of Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi


The wedding ceremony between Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi is the highlight of the Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja. The ceremony symbolizes the marriage between a pure soul (Maa Tulsi) and the ultimate protector of the universe (Lord Vishnu). 


The wedding is performed with great devotion, typically in a mandap or altar decorated with flowers, diyas, and other ritual objects. The priest chants mantras while performing the rituals, while devotees offer prayers to Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi. 


Offering Prayers to Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi


During the puja, devotees offer prayers to both Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi. It is believed that by offering sincere prayers to them, one can receive blessings for health, wealth, prosperity, and happiness. Devotees also seek blessings for a successful married life by taking inspiration from Lord Vishnu's love for his wife. 


Importance of Lighting Diyas, Incense Sticks, and Offering Flowers


During the puja ceremony, lighting diyas (oil lamps), incense sticks (agarbatti), and offering flowers are essential elements of devotion. Lighting diyas symbolizes driving away darkness from one's life. 


Incense sticks represent removing negativity from the surroundings while spreading positivity around oneself. Offering flowers signifies showing respect towards deities as it represents purity. 


Performing rituals during Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja holds great significance in Hinduism. It helps one connect with divine energies through devotion to Lord Vishnu and Maa tulsi while receiving their blessings for a prosperous life ahead. 


Traditional Food Offerings during Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja


Food offerings are an integral part of Hindu puja ceremonies, and the same goes for the Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja too. Preparing traditional dishes like puri, sabzi, kheer etc. is an essential part of this ceremony. The food prepared for the puja is considered sacred and believed to carry blessings from Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi. 


Preparing traditional dishes like puri, sabzi, kheer etc.


The preparation of food for the Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja begins early in the morning on the day of the puja. The women of the house take charge of preparing delicious traditional dishes such as puri, sabzi, kheer etc. that are offered to Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi with great devotion. Puri is a deep-fried Indian bread prepared with wheat flour dough that has been kneaded with water. 


Sabzi refers to any vegetable dish that is popular in Indian cuisine. It can be made using different vegetables such as potatoes, cauliflower or spinach cooked with Indian spices such as cumin seeds, turmeric powder etc. 


Kheer is a sweet dish made by boiling rice in milk and sugar until it becomes creamy or thickened enough to be served. These traditional dishes are usually made from scratch using fresh ingredients. 


Offering these dishes to Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi


The freshly prepared food items are then beautifully arranged on a plate or banana leaf before being offered to Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi during the ceremony. According to Hindu beliefs, offering food items symbolizes surrendering one’s ego and materialistic desires at God’s feet while seeking blessings for peace, prosperity, and good health. The food is first offered to Lord Vishnu, who is considered the groom in the wedding ceremony of Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja. 


After the offerings are made to Lord Vishnu, they are then offered to Maa Tulsi. It is believed that offering food to Maa Tulsi will bring good fortune and blessings. 


The prasad or offerings are then distributed among devotees as a blessing from God. Thus, preparing traditional dishes and offering them with devotion during Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja is an essential part of the ceremony that brings joy and blessings to all those involved. 


Significance of performing this Puja


Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja is considered to be one of the most significant Hindu festivals in India. The puja is performed every year during the Hindu month of Kartik (October-November). This festival marks the beginning of the wedding season in India. 


The significance of this puja lies in its ability to bring prosperity, peace and harmony into one's life. By performing this puja, it is believed that all obstacles and hindrances are removed, and one attains success in all their endeavors. 


Blessings one can receive from performing this puja


Performing Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja offers numerous blessings to devotees. By offering prayers and performing rituals with devotion, one can receive blessings such as good health, wealth, prosperity, and happiness. It is also believed that by performing this puja with sincerity and faith, one can attain spiritual upliftment and enlightenment. 


The ritualistic offerings made during the Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja have a significant impact on our lives as well. Offering flowers to Lord Vishnu & Maa Tulsi represents purity; lighting diyas symbolizes enlightenment; incense sticks represent positive energy; while traditional food offerings signify abundance. 




Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja not only celebrates the marriage of Lord Vishnu and Maa Tulsi but also signifies the importance of nature's bounty for human life. It is a festival that highlights harmony between humans & nature while reminding us to care for mother earth through sustainable living practices. 


Furthermore, by observing traditional customs such as lighting diyas or offering flowers & foodstuffs we develop gratitude towards Mother Nature who nourishes us with her resources every day. Thus through performing this auspicious puja we not only seek divine blessings but also renew our commitment towards sustainable living practices and fostering harmony with nature. 




[1] What is the significance of Tulsi in Hindu culture?

Tulsi holds great significance in Hindu culture. It is considered a sacred plant and is worshipped for its medicinal properties and association with spirituality. Tulsi is believed to purify the surroundings, ward off negative energies, and bring blessings to the household.


[2] Can Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja be performed at home?

Yes, Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja can be performed at home. It is a widely observed ritual in Hindu households, and families come together to celebrate the auspicious occasion.


[3] Is fasting compulsory during Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja?

Fasting during Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja is a personal choice. Many individuals choose to observe a fast as a mark of devotion and purification, while others may participate in the puja without fasting.


[4] Can non-Hindus participate in Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja?

Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja is a joyous celebration open to all. Non-Hindus can participate in the puja, experience the rituals, and appreciate the cultural significance associated with this auspicious occasion.


[5] Are there any specific prayers or mantras for Maa Tulsi Vivah Puja?

Yes, there are specific prayers and mantras dedicated to Maa Tulsi and Lord Vishnu that can be recited during the puja. Consulting a priest or referring to religious texts can provide guidance on the appropriate mantras to be chanted during the ceremony.

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