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What is a KP chart in kp astrology?

A KP chart in KP Astrology, which stands for Krishnamurti Paddhati astrology, is a unique horoscope chart used to make predictions about an individual's life based on the positions of the planets at the time of their birth. This system diverges from traditional Vedic astrology primarily in how it calculates and interprets the planetary positions and their influence on human affairs.

The KP system is particularly noted for its use of the Nakshatras or lunar mansions, as well as the subdivision of these Nakshatras into unequal parts known as "Sub Lords." It is the precise calculation of these Sub Lords and their role as the true significators of events that sets KP astrology apart. The KP chart reflects this by showing not only the position of planets in the zodiac but also these critical subdivisions that are essential for making accurate predictions.

Key features of a KP chart include:

  1. 12 Zodiac Signs and Houses: Like traditional astrology charts, the KP chart includes 12 houses that represent different areas of life, from personality and appearance to career, relationships, and more.

  2. Planetary Positions: The chart marks the positions of planets at the time of birth, which are crucial for analysis. However, it gives special attention to the Nakshatras or stars under which these planets are placed, considering them for their predictive value.

  3. Nakshatras and Sub Lords: Each planet is not only in a sign but also in a Nakshatra and further in a Sub Lord division. These divisions are crucial in KP astrology for making precise predictions about the timing and nature of events.

  4. Cuspal Sub Lords: The KP chart also identifies the Cuspal Sub Lords, which are the Sub Lords of the cusp of each house. These are vital for understanding the matters of a specific house and making predictions related to those life areas.

  5. Ruling Planets: KP astrology uses a concept of Ruling Planets at the time of birth and query, which are derived from the chart and considered very significant for timing events accurately.

  6. Dasha Periods: While KP astrology utilizes the Vimshottari Dasha system similar to Vedic astrology, it uniquely applies it in conjunction with the Sub Lords for predicting the timing of events.

The KP system's detailed and systematic approach allows astrologers to pinpoint events with a higher degree of accuracy than many other systems. Its effectiveness lies in the specificity with which it can time events, thanks to the intricate division of Nakshatras and their Sub Lords, making the KP chart a powerful tool in the hands of skilled practitioners.

What is the difference between Vedic and KP?

The differences between Vedic Astrology and Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) Astrology are profound, reflecting variations in methodology, calculation, and interpretation that impact predictive accuracy and the type of insights provided. Here are some of the key differences:

  1. Cusp Distribution System:

    • KP Astrology uses the Placidus system of house division, where cusps are determined based on the time it takes for a point on the ecliptic to rise above the horizon. This results in houses of unequal sizes. The start of a house cusp is considered the beginning of that house.

    • Vedic Astrology typically follows the Sripat Paddhati for house division, which is similar to the equal house system where each of the 12 houses occupies an equal 30° segment of the zodiac. In Vedic, the midpoint of the house is given significance, rather than the beginning.

  2. Aspects:

    • In KP Astrology, aspects between planets are considered based on exact degrees and the orb (allowable margin of error) of influence specific to each planet. This means that for an aspect to be considered valid, planets must be within a certain degree of exactness, making aspects more precise and focused.
    • Vedic Astrology uses fixed aspects. Each planet aspects certain houses from its position regardless of the degree. For example, Mars aspects the 4th, 7th, and 8th houses from its position, irrespective of the exact degrees involved.

  3. Significators:

    • KP Astrology introduces the concept of significators based on the position of planets in Nakshatras (lunar mansions) and their subdivisions. It uses the concept of Sub Lords and Cuspal Sub Lords to predict the timing and nature of events more accurately.

    • Vedic Astrology relies on the concept of Karakas or significators based on natural significations and house rulerships without the subdivision of Nakshatras into further sub-lords.

  4. Ruling Planets:

    • KP Astrology has the unique concept of Ruling Planets at the time of birth and the time of query, which are used for making predictions and especially for timing events.

    • Vedic Astrology does not use the concept of Ruling Planets in the same manner as KP.

  5. Dasha System:

    • Both systems use the Vimshottari Dasha system for timing events, but KP Astrology combines this with its unique system of significators and cuspal sub lords for pinpoint accuracy.

    • Vedic Astrology relies on the Dasha system along with transits, but without the additional layer of significators based on Nakshatra subdivisions.

These differences make KP Astrology particularly suited for precise predictions and timing of events, while Vedic Astrology provides a broad and deep understanding of an individual's life and karma based on the positions of planets and stars at the time of birth. Each system has its strengths, and the choice between them may depend on the preferences of the astrologer and the specific requirements of the client.

What is Nakshatra lord in KP astrology?

In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the concept of Nakshatra Lord plays a significant role in making predictions. The zodiac, according to KP Astrology, is divided into 12 signs (Rashis), each measuring 30 degrees. These signs are further divided into 27 Nakshatras (or stars), each covering 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the zodiac. Each Nakshatra is then divided into 9 sub-divisions, known as "Sub Lords."

The Nakshatra Lord is the planetary ruler of the Nakshatra in which a planet is positioned at the time of birth. Each Nakshatra is ruled by a specific planet, and this rulership influences the nature, characteristics, and outcomes of the planetary period. The significance of the Nakshatra Lord in KP Astrology is profound, as it determines the outcomes of events based on the planetary period (Dasha) that is active. The Nakshatra in which the Moon is located at the time of birth is particularly important and is used to calculate the Vimshottari Dasha, which is a system for predicting significant life events.

Furthermore, KP Astrology introduces an additional layer of precision through the concept of Sub Lords, which are the rulers of the 9 subdivisions within each Nakshatra. The Sub Lord is considered the most significant factor in deciding the fruitfulness of a planet in giving results. The analysis of the Sub Lord of a planet and its position in relation to the cusps of different houses in the horoscope is critical for making accurate predictions about specific life events.

Therefore, in KP Astrology:

This approach allows KP astrologers to make highly accurate and time-specific predictions about an individual's life events, distinguishing KP Astrology from other astrological systems.

What is planet signification in KP astrology?

In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, planet signification is a core concept that determines how a planet influences an individual's life based on its position and relationships within the horoscope. This system of signification allows astrologers to predict events with greater precision. A planet in KP Astrology signifies and delivers results through a multi-layered approach, involving its placement, the stars (Nakshatras) it resides in, and the Sub Lords (sub-divisions of Nakshatras).

Here's a breakdown of how planet signification works in KP Astrology:

  1. Placement of the Planet: The house in which a planet is placed in the horoscope directly influences the matters of that house. For instance, a planet in the 7th house will have a say in matters related to marriage, partnerships, and public dealings.

  2. Star Lord of the Planet: Every planet is placed in a Nakshatra or star, which is ruled by a specific planet known as the Star Lord. The planet gives results based on the house significations of its Star Lord. This adds a layer of influence beyond its own house placement, linking its effects to the areas of life governed by the Star Lord's house position.

  3. Sub Lord of the Planet: Further refining the predictions, each planet is also in a specific Sub, a subdivision of the Nakshatra. The ruler of this Sub is the Sub Lord. The planet also gives results according to the significations of the houses owned by the Sub Lord. This level of detail allows for highly specific predictions about the timing and nature of events.

  4. Houses Owned by the Star Lord and Sub Lord: In addition to the placement effects, a planet also signifies the houses ruled by its Star Lord and Sub Lord. This means that the areas of life governed by these houses are also influenced by the planet, based on the principles of lordship in astrology.

  5. Houses Owned by the Planet Itself: Lastly, the planet signifies the houses it rules by ownership in the chart. For example, Mars as the ruler of Aries and Scorpio would signify the houses where these signs are placed on the cusp.

Through this intricate system of significations, KP Astrology allows astrologers to analyze a horoscope with a high degree of specificity. This method considers not just the position of a planet in a house or sign, but also the deeper connections it forms through the Nakshatra and Sub Lord systems. It enables predictions not just about broad life themes but also about precise events and their timing, making KP Astrology a powerful tool for astrological prediction.

What is the KP planet in astrology?

In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the term "KP planet" might not refer to a specific planet unique to the KP system but rather to the role and significance planets have within this astrological framework. In KP Astrology, every planet, based on its position in the zodiac and its relationship with Nakshatras (lunar mansions) and their subdivisions (Sub Lords), plays a critical role in making predictions and analyzing a horoscope. Here’s how planets are considered in the KP system for determining their significations:

  1. Planets Occupying a House: A planet positioned in a house influences the matters of that house based on the characteristics and natural significations of the planet. For example, Jupiter in the 2nd house might indicate wealth and knowledge.

  2. Planets in the Star of a House Occupant: If a planet is in the Nakshatra (or star) of another planet that occupies a particular house, the former becomes a significator for that house. This adds a layer of influence based on the Nakshatra lordship.

  3. Planets in the Star of House Owners: A planet placed in the Nakshatra of the lord of a house (the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the house) is considered to have a significant impact on the affairs of that house.

  4. House Owners (Lords): The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of a house (the house lord) is naturally a key influencer of the matters of that house. Its position, condition, and aspects it receives are analyzed for insights into the house’s affairs.

  5. Sub Lords: In KP Astrology, the Sub Lord of a planet or a house cusp is crucial. It is the planet ruling the specific subdivision (Sub) of the Nakshatra in which the planet or cusp falls. The Sub Lord's influence fine-tunes the prediction, making it possible to predict events with greater accuracy.

KP Astrology thus provides a detailed and nuanced approach to horoscope analysis, with planets (referred to here as "KP planets" in the context of their application in KP Astrology) playing roles defined by their positions in signs, houses, Nakshatras, and Sub divisions. This system's distinctive feature is its reliance on the Sub Lords, which adds an additional layer of precision to the prediction of timing and nature of events, distinguishing KP Astrology from traditional Vedic astrology systems.

What is star lord in kp astrology and what is its role ?

In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the concept of the Star Lord plays a pivotal role in the system's approach to horoscope analysis and prediction. Each zodiac sign is divided into 27 Nakshatras, or stars, which are further subdivided into smaller parts for even more precise analysis. These Nakshatras are lunar mansions or segments of the sky through which the Moon and other planets travel, each governed by a specific planet known as the Star Lord.

The role of the Star Lord in KP Astrology is significant for several reasons:

  1. Determining Influence: The Star Lord of the Nakshatra in which a planet is positioned significantly influences the results that the planet will deliver. This is because the qualities, characteristics, and significations of the Star Lord are imparted to the planet, affecting its behavior and the type of outcomes it can produce in an individual's life.

  2. Connection to Houses: The Star Lord represents not just its own inherent qualities but also the houses it rules within the chart. Therefore, a planet positioned in a Nakshatra takes on the significations of the houses ruled by the Nakshatra's Star Lord, adding layers to the planet's influence. For example, if Mars is in a Nakshatra whose Star Lord is Mercury, and if Mercury rules the 3rd and 6th houses in the chart, Mars will also signify matters related to these houses.

  3. Timing of Events: The Star Lord is crucial in the KP system for timing events through the use of the Vimshottari Dasha system, which is a predictive timing tool in Vedic astrology. The period ruled by the Star Lord can activate the significations of the houses it controls, leading to significant events related to those houses during its Dasha or planetary period.

  4. Predictive Accuracy: By considering the Star Lord's influence, KP Astrology achieves a higher degree of predictive accuracy. This system allows astrologers to make nuanced interpretations based on the combined significations of the planet, its Star Lord, and the Sub Lord (the ruler of the Nakshatra subdivision the planet occupies), offering a detailed view of potential life events.

  5. Layered Analysis: The concept of the Star Lord adds depth to astrological analysis, enabling an understanding of not just the surface-level implications of planetary placements but also the underlying currents shaped by the Nakshatra rulers. This layered approach is what sets KP Astrology apart in its ability to forecast life events with precision.

Overall, the Star Lord in KP Astrology is a fundamental component that enriches the astrological analysis, providing a nuanced and detailed perspective on an individual's horoscope and the timing of events in their life.

What is a sub lord in KP astrology and what is its role ?

In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the concept of the Sub Lord is fundamental and uniquely contributes to the precision for which KP is known. The Sub Lord is a further subdivision within the Nakshatra or star in which a planet is located. To understand this, remember that the zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatras, and each Nakshatra is further divided into 9 parts, known as Subs. These Subs are governed by the Sub Lords, which are determined based on a specific formula involving the Vimshottari Dasha system.

Role of the Sub Lord

The Sub Lord plays a critical role in KP Astrology for several reasons:

  1. Determining Event Outcomes: The Sub Lord of a particular planet or house cusp is pivotal in determining the outcome of events related to that planet or house. It refines and specifies the results indicated by the Star Lord and the planet itself, allowing for highly accurate predictions.

  2. Timing of Events: In KP Astrology, the timing of events is significantly influenced by the Sub Lords. By analyzing the Dasha periods in conjunction with the Sub Lords, astrologers can predict when specific events are likely to occur with a high degree of precision.

  3. Refining Predictions: The Sub Lord system allows for a nuanced analysis that can distinguish between potential outcomes. For example, if a planet indicates a potential event based on its house placement and the Star Lord, the Sub Lord can clarify whether this event will actually happen, and if so, how it will unfold.

  4. Significators and Ruling Planets: The concept of Significators in KP Astrology involves identifying the planets that have a significant say over specific matters in a person's life. The Sub Lords are crucial in determining these Significators, as they help narrow down which planets are most relevant to the question or life area being examined.

  5. Fine-Tuning Predictions Based on Ruling Planets: Ruling planets at the time of a query or event are selected based on their positions in relation to the Nakshatras and Subs. The Sub Lords of these ruling planets, in turn, offer additional insights and help fine-tune predictions and timing for events.

    What are the degrees of KP in astrology?

    In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the division of the zodiac into various segments is crucial for its predictive techniques, focusing on a high degree of precision. Here's how the zodiac is divided in KP Astrology, broken down by degrees:

    1. Zodiac Signs (Rashis): The zodiac belt is divided into 12 equal parts, each corresponding to a zodiac sign or "Rashi." Each Rashi spans 30 degrees of the zodiac circle, making up the 360-degree circle with 12 signs.

    2. Nakshatras (Stars): These 12 signs are further divided into 27 Nakshatras or lunar mansions/stars. Each Nakshatra covers a span of 13 degrees and 20 minutes. This finer division allows for a more detailed astrological analysis, with each Nakshatra being ruled by a specific planet, influencing the characteristics of that segment of the zodiac.

    3. Sub Divisions: Each Nakshatra is then divided into 9 equal parts, known as "Subs." This division is crucial for KP's unique predictive system. Since each Nakshatra spans 13 degrees and 20 minutes, dividing this by 9 gives each Sub a span of approximately 1 degree and 20 minutes.

    These divisions are fundamental to KP Astrology's method of prediction, which focuses on the precise positioning of planets within these subdivisions to forecast life events with greater accuracy. The Sub Lords, ruling these Sub divisions, play a critical role in determining the outcome of events, refining predictions based on the planet's placement in not just a sign or Nakshatra but down to its specific Sub. This level of detail allows KP Astrology to make highly specific predictions about timing and the nature of future events, distinguishing it from other astrological systems.

    What is four step theory in KP astrology?

  6. The Four Step Theory in KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology is a systematic approach designed to refine the process of prediction by breaking down the analysis into four distinct steps. This method emphasizes the hierarchical relationship between a planet, its Star Lord, Sub Lord, and the Star Lord of the Sub Lord, each layer adding depth and specificity to the prediction. Here's a breakdown of the Four Step Theory:

    1. Planet and Its Signification

    The first step involves analyzing the planet itself, considering its placement in the zodiac, the house it occupies, and the aspects it forms. This step assesses the basic strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of influence of the planet in question, serving as the foundation for further analysis.

    2. Star Lord of the Planet and Its Signification

    Next, the focus shifts to the Star Lord of the planet (the ruling planet of the Nakshatra in which the planet is placed). This step evaluates the influence of the Star Lord on the planet, adding another layer of meaning based on the houses ruled by the Star Lord. It provides insight into the broader themes and areas of life that the planet will impact, extending beyond its immediate placement.

    3. Sub Lord of the Planet and Its Result Signifying Capability

    The third step delves into the Sub Lord of the planet, which is the ruler of the specific subdivision of the Nakshatra where the planet is located. The Sub Lord's signification is crucial for understanding the precise outcome of the planet's influence. It acts as a final filter that refines the prediction, indicating whether the planet's potential effects will manifest positively, negatively, or be neutralized.

    4. Star Lord of the Planet's Sub Lord as the End Result Indicator

    The fourth and final step involves analyzing the Star Lord of the planet's Sub Lord, which offers the ultimate indication of the result. This step synthesizes the previous layers of analysis, providing a conclusive insight into how the planet's influences will unfold in the native's life. It determines the final outcome, factoring in the cumulative influences of the planet, its Star Lord, and Sub Lord.

    The Four Step Theory in KP Astrology allows astrologers to make precise and nuanced predictions. By systematically assessing the planet's influences at different levels (planetary, Nakshatra, Sub, and Sub-Sub levels), astrologers can pinpoint the timing, nature, and outcome of specific events with remarkable accuracy. This method exemplifies the depth and complexity of KP Astrology, showcasing its unique approach to horoscopic analysis.

    What is the grouping of houses in KP?

  7. In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the concept of "House Grouping" plays a crucial role in predicting specific events. This methodology involves grouping certain houses together based on the nature of the event being analyzed. The primary house related to the question or event is considered alongside supporting houses that provide additional context or influence the outcome. This combination of primary and supporting houses forms a "House Group" or "Formula," which KP astrologers use to assess the potential for an event to occur. Below are examples of house groupings for various events:

    1. Marriage:

      • Primary House: 7th (partnership, marriage)
      • Supporting Houses: 2nd (family, wealth), 11th (fulfillment of desires), and sometimes 5th (romance, love).

    2. Career/Profession:

      • Primary House: 10th (career, profession, status)
      • Supporting Houses: 2nd (wealth, income), 6th (employment, service), and 11th (gains, achievements).

    3. Education:

      • Primary House: 4th (education, learning)
      • Supporting Houses: 5th (intelligence, knowledge), 9th (higher education, luck in education), and sometimes 11th (achievement of education).

    4. Child Birth:

      • Primary House: 5th (progeny, children)
      • Supporting Houses: 2nd (family), 11th (fulfillment of desires), and 9th (luck, blessings).

    5. Property Purchase:

      • Primary House: 4th (property, land, buildings)
      • Supporting Houses: 11th (gains, fulfillment of desires), 2nd (wealth, finances), and sometimes 12th (expenditure, investment).

    6. Foreign Travel/Settlement:

      • Primary House: 9th (long distance travel), 12th (foreign lands, settlements)
      • Supporting Houses: 4th (home, leaving home), 11th (fulfillment of desires), and sometimes 2nd (finances supporting travel).

    7. Health Issues:

      • Primary House: 6th (disease, enemies)
      • Supporting Houses: 1st (self, body), 8th (chronic illness, surgery), and 12th (hospitalization, loss).

    In KP Astrology, the significators of these house groups are analyzed in detail. A planet becomes a significator or indicator of an event if it is connected to the houses relevant to that event, either by its placement in those houses or by its lordship. The use of Sub Lords and Nakshatra Lords further refines the prediction. By analyzing which planets are significators for the house groups related to a query, KP astrologers can make precise predictions about the likelihood, timing, and nature of events.

    What are the planet aspects and conjunctions in KP astrology?

  8. In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the concepts of planet aspects and conjunctions are similar to those in traditional Vedic astrology, but there are nuances in interpretation and application. KP Astrology emphasizes the roles of the Nakshatra (star) and Sub Lords in determining the outcomes of planetary influences, which adds a layer of specificity not found in classical approaches. Here’s a closer look at how aspects and conjunctions are viewed in KP Astrology:

    Planet Aspects

    • In KP Astrology, every planet has an aspectual value, meaning planets cast aspects on certain houses or planets from their position. However, the focus is more on the significations of the houses they occupy and the Star and Sub Lords, rather than just the aspectual relationship between planets.

    • The traditional 7th aspect (directly opposite) is considered, along with special aspects for Mars (4th, 7th, and 8th from its position), Jupiter (5th and 9th), and Saturn (3rd and 10th), similar to Vedic astrology. But in KP, the impact of these aspects is analyzed through the prism of the significator system, especially the Sub Lords, to predict outcomes.

    • KP also considers the degree of closeness of the aspect. The influence is stronger if the planets involved are closer by degree, within the orb of influence specific to each planet.

    Planet Conjunctions

    • Conjunctions in KP are seen as planets being in the same zodiac sign, influencing each other and the matters of the house they occupy. The nature of the conjunction's impact—whether beneficial or malefic—is determined by the nature of the planets involved, their house lordship, and the Star and Sub Lords they are placed under.

    • The subtlety in KP comes from analyzing the Star and Sub Lords of the planets in conjunction. Even if planets are conjunct, their ultimate impact on the native’s life can vary significantly depending on which Nakshatra and Sub each planet is in, offering a nuanced view of their combined effect.

    Importance of House Lordship

    • KP Astrology places significant emphasis on the houses ruled by planets and their impact on the native’s life. A benefic planet by nature, like Jupiter, can yield challenging results if it rules malefic houses (the 6th, 8th, or 12th), and vice versa for naturally malefic planets like Saturn.

    • The concept extends to aspects and conjunctions, where the outcomes of these planetary relationships are significantly influenced by the houses the planets rule, in addition to their natural significations and the specific Sub Lord significations.
  1. KP Astrology's approach to aspects and conjunctions is characterized by its layered analysis, incorporating traditional astrological principles but significantly refined by the use of Nakshatras and especially Sub Lords. This allows for a highly detailed and personalized interpretation of how planets interact in a horoscope, offering insights into the timing and nature of life events with remarkable precision.

What is kp astrology prashna kundali ? What is the 1 to 249 concept in KP astrology and how to use these numbers ?

In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the Prashna Kundali, or Horary Astrology chart, is a unique and powerful tool used to answer specific questions by casting a horoscope for the moment a question is asked and understood by an astrologer. This method does not require the birth details of the querent (the person asking the question), making it especially useful when birth information is unknown or uncertain. The Prashna Kundali is based on the time and place where the astrologer understands the question, capturing the cosmic positioning of planets and stars to derive insights related to the query.

The 1 to 249 Number System

KP Astrology introduces a special feature in Prashna Kundali analysis through the use of a 1 to 249 number system. This system is based on dividing the zodiac into 249 subdivisions, each associated with a specific number from 1 to 249. These numbers are randomly selected by the querent or determined by the astrologer at the moment the question is asked. The chosen number then directly corresponds to a particular subdivision of the zodiac and forms the basis for casting the Prashna chart.

How to Use the Numbers

  1. Selection of Number: When a question is posed, the querent selects a number between 1 and 249, either randomly or intuitively. This number is crucial as it represents the specific segment of the zodiac that will be analyzed to answer the question.

  2. Casting the Chart: The astrologer uses the selected number to determine the zodiacal position that serves as the Ascendant for the Prashna Kundali. Each number corresponds to a specific set of degrees and signs in the zodiac, which are predefined in KP Astrology tables.

  3. Analysis: With the Prashna chart cast based on the selected number, the astrologer examines the positions of planets, their Nakshatra (star) and Sub Lord placements, and the cusps of houses relevant to the question. This analysis focuses on the significators of houses that relate to the nature of the query, employing KP's unique system of prediction to derive accurate and relevant answers.

  4. Timing of Events: The KP Prashna Kundali can also be used to predict the timing of events. By analyzing the transit of planets and their interaction with the significators identified in the chart, KP astrologers can provide precise timings for when the events inquired about are likely to occur.

The 1 to 249 number system in KP Astrology for Prashna Kundali offers a direct and highly specific method for answering questions based on the cosmic alignment at the time of the query. This system's precision and effectiveness lie in its unique approach to horary astrology, making it a favored technique among KP astrologers for providing clear and insightful answers to the querent's questions.

What are different events in kp astrology and there cusps ? How planets appear and give results in kp astrology ?

In KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology, the prediction of various life events is based on an intricate analysis of planetary positions, their corresponding star (Nakshatra) lords, and sub lords within a natal or horary chart. The events are predicted by analyzing the combination of houses that fall under the significations of planets, their star lords, and sub lords. Here’s how these dynamics work for predicting different life events and their associated house cusps:

How Events are Predicted

  1. House Significations: Each event in life is associated with specific house significations. For instance, the 7th house is associated with marriage, while the 10th house relates to career. KP Astrology assigns significations to houses that directly correspond to life events.

  2. Planet, Star Lord, and Sub Lord: In KP, a planet gives results based on its placement in a sign, the star lord it is placed under, and its sub lord. The combination of these factors, along with the houses they signify, helps in predicting the outcome of events.

  3. Signification Combination for Events: For each event, there’s a set of house combinations that needs to be analyzed. For example, for marriage, the houses 2, 7, and 11 are considered. A planet signifying these houses can indicate timing and occurrence of marriage.

Examples of Events and Their Cusp Combinations:

(1) Abortion / miscarriage : 1,4,10,8,12 (2) Aggression : 7,8,12 (3) Arrest / Prison : 2,3,8,12 (4) Winning Award : 10,11 (5) Bail : 6,10,11 (6) Career : 2,6,7,10,11 (7) Change in Career : 5,9 (8) Child Birth : 2,5,9,11 (9) Cold Nature : 1,4,10,6 (10) Coming Home : 2,4,11 (11) Depression : 1,2,6,8 (12) Divorce : 1,6,10,8,12 (13) Legacy/Dowry : 8,10,11 (14) Education : 2,4,5,9,11 (15) Health : 1,5,9,11 (16) House arrest : 4,8,12 (17) Litigation : 6,8,12 (18) Love : 5,8,12,11 (19) Loving and caring : 2,5,9,11 (20) Marriage : 2,7,11 (21) Prize : 6,11 (22) Property Purchase : 4,11,12 (23) Property sale : 3,5,10 (24) Snathing of Vehicle : 4,7,8,12 (25) Theft of Vehicle : 4,6,8,12 (26) Transfer : 3,9,12 (27) Transfer back : 2,4,11 (28) Travel : 3,9,12 (29) Underground : 3,4,8,12 (30) Vehicle Purchase : 4,11,12 (31) Vehicle Sale : 3,5,10 (32) Win in Litigation : 6,10,11

Predicting the Outcome of Events

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