Ceremony for Naming and Namkaran
Hindus perform name rituals, often known as christenings. The first significant ceremony after a baby is born is typically a namkaran. Namkaran, or the day a newborn baby is given a name, literally translates to "creation of name" in Hindi.
It can be done at any time before the child turns one; in some regions of India, it is held on the twelfth day. In some regions of India, it takes place in the third, fifth, seventh, or ninth month for females and the sixth or eighth month for boys.
Typically, a priest is requested to conduct the puja or religious rites. This frequently follows a hawan or homa. Baby is dressed in fresh clothing after being bathed. The new infant will be blessed with the presence of friends and family. The priest would conduct puja and speak with parents to recommend a letter that is suitable for the infant. Based on Hindu astrology, this. On this day, the baby's horoscope is also drawn. If parents have chosen a name, a family elder whispers it in the baby's ear.
Even though the ritual is being held today, the name is not always used in accordance with tradition. In most cases, parents would prefer to have a name that they have chosen and like, or they might have two names.
On this day, a newborn may also receive their first feed of a substance other than milk in some regions. It is known as Annaprashan.
For the event, it is customary to dress the infant in new attire. Typically, parents dress their children in formal attire. When picking out infant clothes, it is wise to bear the following in mind:
1) Dress the baby in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
2) Dress appropriately for the weather. Baby will only feel uncomfortable if you have them wear thick silks in the heat. On the other hand, if it's freezing outside, make sure the baby is properly dressed in warm clothing.
3) Opt for clothing with little stitching and ornamentation. These could cause rashes or bruises in addition to making the baby uncomfortable.
4) Try to dress the infant in good, festive cotton clothing. If it's not possible, place the infant in a light cotton vest before dressing them in other clothing. As a result, less irritants will come into contact with the baby's tender skin.
5) After the ceremony, change the infant into comfy clothing.
On the occasion of Namkaran, it is customary to make babies wear jewellery. When placing jewellery on your child, keep the following things in mind:
1) Wear very little jewellery. Don't insist the baby wear every item you purchased or received as a gift.
2) Avoid making the baby wear rings because they may accidently swallow them since babies frequently put their fingers in their mouths.
3) Avoid putting any jewellery on your head or your hair because doing so will prompt you to clip your baby's hair, which can irritate them.
4) Avoid making the baby wear bulky anklets or necklaces. Best is a minimal anklet and light chain. As soon as the ceremony is done, remove your jewellery.
5) Avoid decorating the baby with bulky garlands or floral jewellery. They may itch your baby's tender skin and result in rashe