Kundali By Name And Date Of Birth

September 07, 2022 | astrology
Kundali by name and date of birth
Today we will know about the complete information about how to know your Zodiac Sign because there is always curiosity in the mind of a person about the zodiac signs and this is the reason why every day when the horoscope comes on TV. If the program starts, then even before that we turn on the TV and sit and watch TV with great eagerness to know the horoscope of our zodiac and as soon as we are told by pandit ji on the TV channel that today our how is the horoscope
In the same way we become happy or we get drowned in worry. Because the horoscope keeps changing every day and the horoscope of every zodiac keeps changing daily. Many people work according to the horoscope. In today's article, you will know what is apni rashi kaise jane, what is a rashi, how to know zodiac by name, how to know your zodiac according to date and time of birth, etc., you will get to know all the information in detail, so keep the post till the last. .
Every zodiac sign has its own different nature, qualities and signs and they also have planets to control them, such as planet Saturn, planet Rahu, planet Ketu, planet Mars etc. From the point of view of Vedic astrology, the Moon and the Sun have been made the lords of one zodiac sign, whereas all the other planets are the owners of all the two zodiac signs. Rahu and Ketu are considered to be the planets giving these bad effects.
How to know amount by name?
1. Mesh
If your name also starts with Chu, Che, Cho, La, Lee, Lu, Le, Lo, A, then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is Sheep.
2. Taurus
If your name also starts with E, U, A, O, Va, Vee, Wu, Ve, Vo, then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is Bull.
3. Gemini
If your name also starts with Ka, Ki, Ku, Gha, , Ch, Ke, Ko, H, then you come in Aries sign and the sign of this zodiac is a combination of male and female.
4. Cancer
If your name also starts with Hi, Hu, Hey, Ho, Da, Dee, Du, Day, Do, then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is Crab.
5. Leo
If your name also starts with Ma, Mi, Moo, Me, Mo, Ta, Tee, Tu, Tay, then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is Leo.
6. Virgo
If your name also starts with Dho, Pa, Pi, Poo, Sha, N, Th, Pe, Po, then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is a girl sitting in a boat.
7. Libra
If your name also starts with Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is a male holding a scales in his hand.
8. Scorpio
If your name also starts with To, Na, Ni, Nu, Ne, No, Ya, Yi, Yu, then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is Scorpio.
9. Sagittarius
If your name also starts with Ya, Yo, Bha, Bhi, Bhu, Dh, Fa, Dh, Bhe, then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is a man with a horse and a bow with it
10. Capricorn
If your name also starts with Bho, Jaa, Ji, Khi, Khu, Khe, Kho, Ga, Gi, then you are in Aries sign and the sign of this zodiac is deer or deer.
11. Aquarius
If your name also starts with Gu, Gay, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Se, So, then you are in Aries sign and the sign of this zodiac is a man carrying a vase.
12. Pisces
If your name also starts with Di, Du, Th, Jha, J, De, Do, Cha, Chi then you are in Aries and the sign of this zodiac is two fishes.
How to know zodiac by date of birth?
By using the method given below, you can get the information of zodiac by date of birth.
March 21 - April 20: Aries
April 21 - May 21: Taurus
May 22 - June 21: Gemini
June 22-July 22: Cancer
23 July-21 August: Leo
August 22-September 23: Virgo
September 24-October 23: Libra
October 24-November 22: Scorpio
November 23- December 22: Sagittarius
23 December-20 January: Capricorn
January 21 - February 19: Aquarius
February 20 - March 20: Pisces