Why Do We Worship Shiva In Sawan?

Why Do We Worship Shiva in Sawan?

In Hinduism, Lord Shiva holds immense significance, and his worship is deeply rooted in tradition and mythology. One particular aspect of Shiva worship that captures the attention of devotees is the connection between Lord Shiva and the month of Sawan, also known as Shravan. Many people wonder why Lord Shiva is worshipped specifically in Sawan and how this month became associated with him. In this article, Vedic Astrologer Kapoor delves into the reasons behind the worship of Lord Shiva in Sawan and provides valuable insights into the significance of this practice. So, let's explore the fascinating relationship between Lord Shiva and the auspicious month of Sawan.

Why Lord Shiva Worshipped in Shravan?

The Legend of Samudra Manthan

One of the most popular legends that sheds light on the importance of Lord Shiva in Sawan is the Samudra Manthan or the churning of the ocean. According to Hindu mythology, gods and demons joined forces to churn the ocean to obtain the elixir of immortality, known as Amrita. During this cosmic event, various divine and celestial objects emerged from the ocean, including a pot of poison. The poison possessed such potency that it posed a threat to the destruction of the entire creation.

To protect the universe, Lord Shiva drank the poison, but instead of swallowing it, he held it in his throat. The poison turned his throat blue, earning him the name "Neelkanth" or "The Blue-Throated One." This act of self-sacrifice and immense devotion to the welfare of the world established Lord Shiva as the savior and protector.

The Auspiciousness of Sawan

The month of Sawan, which usually falls between July and August in the Gregorian calendar, is considered highly auspicious in Hinduism. It is believed to be the favorite month of Lord Shiva and holds immense significance for his devotees. Sawan is associated with monsoon rains, and the earth becomes fertile and abundant during this time. The lush green surroundings, along with the cool breeze and drizzling rain, create a serene and spiritual atmosphere, ideal for worshipping Lord Shiva.

In Hindu scriptures, it is mentioned that during Sawan, the positive energy in the environment is at its peak. Devotees take advantage of this auspicious period to connect with Lord Shiva through prayers, fasting, and various rituals. They seek his blessings for overall well-being, spiritual growth, and the fulfillment of their desires.

Why Is Sawan Connected to Lord Shiva?

The Story of Goddess Parvati's Penances

The connection between Sawan and Lord Shiva is further strengthened by the story of Goddess Parvati, Shiva's divine consort. It is believed that Parvati observed rigorous penances during the month of Sawan to win Shiva's love and make him her husband. She immersed herself in deep meditation, fasting, and performing austerities to please Lord Shiva.

Impressed by Parvati's devotion and determination, Lord Shiva finally accepted her as his consort. Their divine union symbolizes the ultimate union of Shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine energies that govern the universe.

The Significance of Mondays in Sawan

Mondays, or Somvar, hold special importance in Sawan as they are dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva. Devotees observe fasts on Mondays and visit Shiva temples, offering prayers and performing abhishekam, the ritualistic bathing of the Shiva Lingam with water, milk, and other sacred substances. It is believed that worshipping Lord Shiva on Mondays during Sawan brings immense blessings and fulfills the devotees' wishes.

The association between Lord Shiva and Mondays is rooted in mythology. It is said that Lord Shiva consumed the poison during the Samudra Manthan on a Monday. Hence, Mondays became especially sacred for his worship, with Sawan being the most significant month to connect with his divine presence.

Shravan Month 2024: Dates and Significance

In 2024, the auspicious month of Sawan is expected to start on July 4, 2024, and end on August 31, 2024. During this period, devotees will engage in various rituals and practices to honor Lord Shiva. They will observe fasts, visit temples, chant sacred mantras, and offer prayers with utmost devotion. It is believed that the sincere worship and dedication shown during Sawan can bring prosperity, happiness, and spiritual enlightenment.

It is important to note that the dates of Sawan may vary based on regional calendars and traditions. Devotees should consult their respective calendars or consult with local religious authorities to determine the exact dates and rituals observed in their specific regions.


The worship of Lord Shiva in the month of Sawan holds deep spiritual significance in Hinduism. The legends of Samudra Manthan and Goddess Parvati's penances, combined with the auspiciousness of Sawan and the reverence for Mondays, establish a strong connection between Lord Shiva and this sacred month. Devotees eagerly embrace the opportunity to connect with Lord Shiva's divine energy, seek his blessings, and experience spiritual growth. As Sawan approaches, let us prepare our hearts and minds to embark on this soul-stirring journey of devotion and self-discovery.


1. Why is Lord Shiva worshipped in Sawan?

Lord Shiva is worshipped in Sawan due to the legends and stories associated with this auspicious month. Sawan holds immense spiritual significance, and Lord Shiva's connection to this period is believed to bring blessings, protection, and fulfillment of desires to his devotees.

2. What is the significance of the Samudra Manthan legend in relation to Sawan?

The Samudra Manthan legend highlights Lord Shiva's selfless act of drinking the poison during the churning of the ocean. This act earned him immense respect and established him as the savior of the universe. Sawan, being the month associated with this event, is considered highly auspicious for worshipping Lord Shiva.

3. How can devotees worship Lord Shiva in Sawan?

Devotees can worship Lord Shiva in Sawan by observing fasts, visiting Shiva temples, offering prayers, and performing rituals like abhishekam. Chanting sacred mantras such as the "Om Namah Shivaya" and practicing meditation are also common ways to connect with Lord Shiva's divine energy during this month.

4. Are Mondays more significant in Sawan for Shiva worship?

Yes, Mondays hold special significance in Sawan for the worship of Lord Shiva. Devotees observe fasts on Mondays and engage in dedicated worship to seek Lord Shiva's blessings. The association between Mondays and Lord Shiva is rooted in mythology, particularly his consumption of poison on a Monday during the Samudra Manthan.

5. What can devotees expect during the month of Sawan?

During the month of Sawan, devotees can expect an atmosphere of devotion, spiritual fervor, and unity. Temples dedicated to Lord Shiva witness increased footfall as devotees from all walks of life come together to express their love and seek his divine blessings. The ambiance is filled with prayers, rituals, and a sense of peace and tranquility.

6. How can one make the most of Sawan and its spiritual significance?

To make the most of Sawan and its spiritual significance, devotees should engage in sincere worship, introspection, and self-discipline. They can immerse themselves in the practice of chanting mantras, meditating, and performing acts of kindness and charity. It is essential to approach Sawan with a pure heart, unwavering faith, and a genuine desire to connect with Lord Shiva's divine presence.

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