All About The Concept Of Panchang

February 20, 2023 | pandit-purohit
All about the Concept of Panchang
The Hindu calendar had its origins in the Vedic period itself. In the said period, there was an almanac based on the Sun and Nakshatra principle, considering the Sun as the soul of the world. After the Vedic period, astronomers like Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Bhaskar, etc. developed the almanac and also described the lunar arts in it.
The Vedas and other texts describe the position, distance, and speed of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, and the constellations. A completely accurate almanac has been created by dividing day and night and other tribunals on the earth by the value of position, distance, and speed. Know what is the concept of the Hindu calendar.
The Panchang Kaal is a system of naming the day. The calendar of the calendar is associated with astronomical elements. The practice of keeping a year of twelve months and a week of 7 days started from Vikram Samvat. The account of the month is kept at the speed of Sun and Moon.
Definition of Panchang: The name Panchang is due to its being made up of five major parts, that is - Tithi, Var, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karan. Based on its calculations, there are three streams of the Hindu calendar: the first lunar based, the second nakshatra based, and the third sun-based calendar method. It is believed in different forms throughout India. There are 12 months in a year. There are two sides of 15 days each month - Shukla and Krishna. Each year there are two trajectories. 27 constellations continue to travel in the zodiac signs of these two ayans.
Date: A day is called a date that ranges from nineteen hours to twenty-four hours depending on the almanac. The lunar month consists of 30 dates, which are divided into two sides. 1-14 and then the full moon comes in the Shukla Paksha. Altogether fifteen dates including the full moon. 1-14 and then comes Amavasya in Krishna Paksha. Fifteen dates including Amavasya.
The names of the dates are as follows - Poornima (Puranamasi), Pratipada (Padwa), Dwitiya (Duj), Tritiya (Teej), Chaturthi (Chauth), Panchami (Panchami), Shashthi (Chhath), Saptami (Satam), Ashtami (Atham), Navami (Naumi), Dashami (Dasam), Ekadashi (Gyaras), Dwadashi (Baras), Trayodashi (Teras), Chaturdashi (Chaudas) and Amavasya (Amavas).
There are seven days in a week: - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Nakshatra: The shape seen in different forms of constellations in the sky is called Nakshatra. Originally 27 constellations are considered. Another Abhijit Nakshatra is also considered by astrologers. The Moon travels in the said twenty-seven constellations. The names of the constellations are given in the Chandramas below-
Yoga: There are 27 types of yoga. The positions of the particular distances of the Sun and Moon are called Yoga. The names of the 27 Yogas formed on the basis of distances are as follows: - Vishkumbh, Preeti, Ayushman, Saubhagya, Shobhan, Atiagand, Sukarma, Dhriti, Shul, Gand, Vriddhi, Dhruva, Vagratha, Harshan, Vajra, Siddhi, Vyatipatha, Variyan, Parigha, Shiva, Siddha, Sadhya, Shubh, Shukla, Brahma, Indra, and Validity.
Out of the 27 Yogas, a total of 9 Yogas are considered inauspicious and it is advised to avoid them in all auspicious works. These inauspicious yogas are Vishkumbh, Atiagand, Shul, Gand, Vyagara, Vajra, Vyasipatha, Parigha, and Vidyriti.
Karan: There are two Karanas in one date - one in the first half and one in the latter. There are a total of 11 Karanas - Bava, Balava, Kaulava, Taitil, Gar, Vanij, Vishti, Shakuni, Chatushpad, Nag, and Kistughan. There is Shakuni in the latter half of Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi (14), Chatushpada in the first half of Amavasya, Nag in the latter half of Amavasya, and Kistughna Karan in the first half of Shukla Paksha Pratipada. Vishti Karan is called Bhadra. Auspicious work is considered taboo in Bhadra.
Know the side too: There are thirty days in each month. The thirty days have been divided into two sides i.e. Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha, based on the decrease and increase of the arts of the Moon. A side has about fifteen days or two weeks. there are seven days in a week. The lunar arts rise in the Shukla Paksha and decrease in the Krishna Paksha.
Solar month: The Solar month begins with the Sun's solstice. The time from one solstice to another from the Sun is called Saurmas. This month is usually thirty, thirty-one days. Sometimes it is also twenty-eight and twenty-nine days old. Originally, the solar month (solar year) is 365 days.
The 12 zodiac signs are considered to be the twelve Sauramas. Sankranti occurs on the day the Sun enters the zodiac sign. The new month of Solar month is considered to be the beginning of this zodiac entry. There are two parts of the solar year - Uttarayan six months and Dakshinayan also six months. According to Hinduism, it is the time of pilgrimage and celebrations when the sun is in Uttarayan. According to the Puranas, the importance of pilgrimage has been told in Ashwin, Kartik month. Pausha-Magha month is going on during Uttarayan.
On the day of Makar Sankranti, the sun is Uttarayan while the Sun enters Capricorn from Aquarius. When the Sun enters the Cancer zodiac, then the Sun becomes Dakshinayan. Dakshinayan Vrat is the time when Ashadha or Shravan month is going on according to Chandramasa. Diseases and grief are erased by fasting.
Names of Saurmas: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces.
Lunar month : The moon which is a month of two sides (Krishna and Shukla) of the art of the Moon is called Chandramasa. This is the main lunar month of 'Amant', beginning with two types of Shukla Pratipada and completing Amavasya. The 'Purnimaat' from Krishna Pratipada is the complete lunar month. It is also 29, 30 and 28, and 27 days according to the fluctuation of the date. On the full moon day, the naming of months has taken place on the basis of the constellation in which the moon is. The lunar year is 11 days 3 times 48 seconds shorter than the solar year, so 1 month is added to it every 3 years.
There is a difference of 10 days every year due to the solar day being 365 days and the lunar month being 355 days. These ten days are considered to be Chandramas. Yet such grown-up days are called 'Malamas' or 'Adhimas'.
Names of Chandramas: Chaitra, Vaishakh, Jyeshtha, Ashadh, Shravan, Bhadrapada, Ashwin, Karthik, Agahan, Pausha, Magha, and Phalgun.
The constellation in the sky is called Nakshatra. Generally, they are connected to the path of the moon. The Sun at one place in the Rigveda is also called Nakshatra. Other constellations are Saptarshi and Agastya. Making astrological calculations from the constellation is part of Vedang astrology. The constellations are like the milestones of our sky system, which shows the extent of the sky. Although the constellations are 88 but only 27 are considered on the lunar path. Moon moves in the constellation from Ashwini to Revathi, it is called Kaal Nakshatramas. It is about 27 days hence that's why a constellation of 27 days is called.
The constellation in which the Moon resides on the full moon day of the months:
1. Chaitra: Chitra, Swati.
2. Vaishakh: Visakha, Anuradha.
3. Jyeshtha: Jyestha, origin.
4. Ashadh: Purvashaadh, Uttarashadha, Satbhiksha.
5. Shravan: Shravan, Dhanishthana.
6. Bhadrapada: Purvabhadra, Uttarabhadra.
7. Ashwin: Ashwin, Revathi, Bharani.
8. Kartik: Kritika, Rohini.
9. Margashirsha: Mrigashira, Uttara.
10.Pausha: Punavasu, Pushya.
11. Magha: Magha, Ashlesha.
12.Falgun: Purvaphalgun, Uttaraphalgun, Hasta.
Homeowners of constellations:
Ketu: Ashwin, Magha, Mool.
Venus: Bharani, Purvaphalguni, Purvashadha.
Ravi: Karthik, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashah.
Chandra: Rohini, Hasta, Shravan.
Mars: Magashira, Chitra, Shravishta. Rahu: Adra, Swati, Shatabhisha.
Jupiter: Punarvasu, Visakha, Purvabhadrapada.
Sat Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada.
Mercury: Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revathi.