Great Astrologer's Of India, Who Knew Every Secret

May 07, 2023 | astrology
(1) Aryabhata (First) - Aryabhata is the first mathematician Astrologer whose texts and descriptions are received. In fact, the systematic history of astrology dates back to their time. His arithmetic is related to Aryabhatiya-Tantra, it is the oldest of the available astrological texts. It has four legs named Dasgeetika, Mathematics, Kalkriya, and Gol. It describes the day and night as the sun and stars being fixed and the earth moving. There is no consensus among scholars regarding their place of residence, some people call 'Kusumpur' of South country as their place and some people say 'Ashmakpur'. His time is stated to be 397 words. Aryabhata's principles regarding mathematics astrology are very valid. He has explained the scientific reasons for Sun and lunar eclipse and has given the important discussion of mathematical methods like square, square root, cube, cube root, etc.
(2) Varahamihira - Varahamihira, the benevolent of Lord Surya, was the first Acharya who clearly explained astrology as Siddhanta, Samhita, and Hora. He composed different texts related to the three wings to represent the three wings. Siddhanta (arithmetic) - His famous work is in the wing - Panchasiddhantika, Brihatsamhita in SamhitaSakandha, and Brihajatakata in Horaaskandha are mainly enumerated. They are said to exist in verse 427. He was a resident of Ujjain, hence he is also called Avantikacharya. His father was Adityadas, from whom he received complete astrology. Just as the planets have the position of the sun, so is the place of Varahamihira in the divinities. He is Suryaswaroop. His style of composition is full of qualities like conciseness, simplicity, clarity, esotericism, and piety. He has composed 13 texts.
His major book is the most mature and authoritative book in Phalit Shastra. There are many important commentaries on this such as Bhattottapali. Acharya Varahamihira gave great brilliance to this science by his talent. These are called martands of Indian astrology. Although by the time of Acharya (in Narada Samhita etc.), astrology was divided into Samhita, Hora, and Siddhanta - these three parts, however, Acharya arranged them further and gave them scientific form. The specialty of his treatise called Panchasiddhantika, associated with the principle wing of astrology, is that by not giving any theory in it, he compiled the principles (opinions) - of the five earlier Acharyas (Pitamah, Vashistha, Romash, Paulish and Surya). Has done important work. His Brihat Samhita is the most mature and accepted text of the wing. It has 106 chapters. Bhattotpal's commentary on this is very famous. The result of astrology is the destruction of the divine to the Brajjatakas. It has 28 chapters. It has an authentic description of all aspects of astrology as a result of the dream itself. In this, a new condition has been given, instead of considering the prevailing mercury-depleting condition. The destruction of this book is of great importance.
(3) Prithyush - Prithyush is the son of Acharya Varahamihira. The 'Shatpanchashika' written by him is a famous book of astrology. It has seven chapters.
(4) Kalyan Varma - His time is around 500 words. His written abstract is the major book of Horastra. They are described as Gurjaradesh (Gujarat). The Saravali flag is considered to be extremely authentic. It has 42 chapters. It is said that he had the blessings of Saraswati. Bhattottapala has quoted several verses of the tableau in the commentary on Brihajatakta.
(5) Lallacharya - Lallacharya 'Shishidhividdhidantantra' scripture related to the principle wing of astrology is very famous. There are differences regarding their time, but some Acharyas say that they existed around 500 words. They have been described as imperishable. He also pioneered texts called Ratnakosh (Samhita Astrology) and Jatakasara (Horaskandha). Lallacharya Mathematics, Jataka, and Samhita were perfect in all the three wings. Ganatadhyay and Goladhyaya in Shishyadhivriddhitantra are mainly two cases. Ganitadhyaya has many rights (cases). Bhaskaracharyaji was particularly impressed by his knowledge.
(6) Bhaskaracharya the First - His time is believed to be around 530 Shakbadha. His Mahabhaskariya and Minabhaskariya - these are two texts. He also lectured on Aryabhatiya. These are different from the famous Bhaskaracharya author of Lilavati.
(7) Brahmagupta- The great mathematician Acharya Brahmagupta is the exponent of Brahmasiddhanta. Their time is 520 words. The famous Bhaskaracharya has called him 'Ganakachakra-Chudamani'. He produced the Karan Granth called Brahmsfutasiddhanta and Khandakhadya. He is the son of Vishnu. They were residents of Vibhamal village in Gurjar province. He created great principles in the field of mathematics and also established new ideas. It is said that there are only three principles (methods of mathematics) - (1) Arya, (2) Solar, and (3) Brahman, and they have also had three Acharyas respectively - (1) Aryabhata, (2) Varahamihira and Brahmagupta. He was a highly versed and exceptional scholar in Ved Vidya. He invented many laws of algebra, hence he has been called the originator of arithmetic. Alberuni has greatly admired his mathematical knowledge. He was also obliged by Aryabhata, but he also strongly opposed his many opinions in Khand Food.
(8) Sridharacharya - Sridharacharya ranks second among the astrologers of algebra. His Trishatika (Pati Mathematics), Algebra, Jataka method, and Ratnamala, etc. are famous texts. Later Bhaskaracharya etc. are greatly obliged by his principles.