Happy New Year 2021

We are now in the last quarter of 2020 the year of disasters, Conflicts, conspiracies, disease and what more to add. Let us remember that all this should not have come as a surprise as total of 20,2+0=2 which is the number of moon and it directly represents heart and which is why all humanity has been “Heartily Disturbed”. But now comes a year 21,2+1=3 which is the number of Guru who is the master of wisdom, direction, new beginning. So now let us know what the next year has installed for us and know the Do’s and Don’ts from the best astrologer in india .
Radix 1 and your new year
Those born on the calendar date 1,10, 19, 28 in any year, your radix will be 1. 1 digit is affected by the Sun, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru. The effect of the Sun with the Sun doubles. Whenever the position of Sun is in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces, then you will achieve success with advancement in your work.
These days you will be successful in fulfilling your ambitions. There will be possibility of increase in family. You will get success in your work related to business. Politicians will also find favorable conditions. Employees will get support. The unemployed will also be able to get employment.
The relationship of Sun and Ketu in the year will help in brightening the future.Any contract, new action plan, risk action or investing in the stock market will be avoided. Do not borrow, do not lend. There is no harm from the enemy. Time will be good for the students. Competitors will be successful in the examinations.
How to remove inauspicious effects- Feed bread to the dog every Thursday throughout the year. Apply long saffron tilak. By doing this, the new year will give desired success.
Radix 2 and your new year
If you were born on the calendar date 2, 11, 20, 29 in any year, then your radix is 2. The digit of 2 is affected by the moon, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru.Guru’s relationship with Chandra in the year will be disturbing for the mother. Whenever the moon is in the lower zodiac Scorpio, then the state of mind will be disturbed. Take care during that time period. Mother may suffer this year. Salesmen, poets, people associated with silver business, milk, curd, buttermilk sellers have to be careful. Students have to concentrate on their studies after concentrating their mind.
Vastu for students and study room(Opens in a new browser tab)
Water related tasks will have to be avoided, such as do not get down to swim in the river pond. Do not be careless in cold and cold. Be cautious in writing documents. One has to be very alert while traveling. Business-to-business advice will work. The mind will have to be open in economic efforts. Do not dispute with the female side. Go together Respecting the female class is good for getting auspiciousness from the year.
How to remove inauspicious effects- To remove ominous effects this year, wear Moon Stone with pearl. Do not eat garlic at any cost.
Radix 3 and your new year
If you are born on the calendar date 3, 12, 21, 30 in any year, then your radix will be 3. You are influenced by Guru, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru.. Guru Being friends with itself will bring successes for you this year. Many will be able to fulfill their ambitions. Politicians will feel comfortable this year. Problems will be solved in family matters. Good work will be done in the family. Unmarried will get marriage opportunities.
Faith in religion will increase. Will also cost. There will be an environment of satisfactory condition in married life. Auspicious opportunities will come for business-connected people. Mental worries will go away. Promotion time for jobbers. The time will be pleasant for the students. Competitors will be successful in the examinations. Special banks will succeed in education, civil judge examination. If luck is with you, you also have to take advantage.
How to remove bad effects – Wear topaz. Offer s saffron flag in the temple. Feed the dog bread every Thursday. Do wear yellow clothes.
Radix 4 and your new year
If you are born on the date of any calendar year 4, 13, 22, 31, your radix will be 4. It is influenced by Rahu, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru.. If Rahu and Gurn come in the year, then they do a lot of hard work in your life, then success comes. If you do any work in the family, do not reveal your policies. In special cases, work with caution and take advice from well wishers.
The year can be full of difficulties for the employed. The student class has to focus on studies. Do not take any hasty decision in business-related matters. It would be wise to avoid new action plans this year. Health will remain soft. Travel has to be postponed. Do not be hasty in matters of property. Success will be achieved only through secret policies on enemies. People associated with politics have to be careful.
How to remove inauspicious effects – Chanting the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is pleasant for you and it will be helpful in removing the inauspicious effects of the year. Donate a brown blanket one day.
Radix 5 and your new year
If you are born in the calendar date of any year on 5, 14, 23 then your radix will be 5. It is influenced by Mercury, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru.. With the influence of Mercury and Guru in the new year, your work will be successful. This year will be a great success for you. Whenever Mercury enters Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, strength will increase. Time will be pleasant in family matters. If you are employed, fortune is going to shine. Promotion may occur.
The unemployed will be successful in getting employment. Time is favorable for students. People associated with politics will find a favorable environment. If you are associated with business, then there will be progress with profit. There will be a cooperative time in the affairs of the father. Take care of the female side. Will be happy with child side. Officers will also get satisfactory status. The influence on enemies will remain. Care must be taken in traveling. Time will be right for journalists and writers.
How to remove inauspicious effects – Apply long saffron tilak this year. Must wear emerald. Wearing bright green clothes is auspicious. Keep a green pen with you.
Radix 6 and your new year
If you are born on the calendar date of any year 6, 15, 24 then your radix will be 6. It is affected by Venus, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru.This year the means of entertainment will increase. If you are in the field of art, then you will be able to get success. This year, students, especially those associated with medical, engineering, fashion designing, will get favorable success. Having a supportive attitude in the family will be a happy time.
Some care has to be taken in cases of the female side. Time will be mixed for the unmarried. Care must be taken in love relationships. Employees have to be careful in writing related matters. Spending will also increase with the economic recovery. Avoid investing money in risk work. A little caution will double success in business. People involved in politics have to walk a little smarter. The influence on enemies will remain. People related to share-betting should be careful. Time will be right from the point of view of health.
How to remove inauspicious effects – Offer a bright white flag in a temple. Feed the dog bread. Wear Opel or diamond. Never wear garlic. Feed Kheer to a virgin girl on Friday.
Radix 7 and your new year
If you are born on the date of any calendar year 7, 16, 25 then your radix will be 7. It is affected by Ketu, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru.. This year will be successful in everything. A little bit of hard work has to be done to achieve the desired success. An atmosphere of mental happiness and peace will remain. If you do not dispute in the family, you will get favorable situation if you keep restraint on speech. You will be able to achieve maximum success in the business. Time is good for serviceman. If you take the cooperation of brothers, you will be able to increase success. The time will be simple for people associated with politics. The cooperation of the female side will be beneficial. Time is bright for the students. People associated with journalism will find a pleasant situation. Time is right for the officer class, but care must be taken in writing.
How to remove inauspicious effects – Offer flag in Bhairav temple for best success this year. Feed the dog bread every Thursday. Apply saffron tilak daily. The year will be profitable.
Radix 8 and your new year
If you are born in the calendar date 8, 17, 26 in any year, your radix will be 8. It is influenced by Saturn, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru.. New year will be of hard work. There is little hope of success without diligence. If we walk with the advice of elders in the family, then there will be cooperation with success. Employed people have to be careful. You will get success in business.
If you take family support in new action plans, then you will be successful. Time will be fine in matters of health. People associated with politics have to be vigilant. There will be mixed situation in the matters of children. The student class will have to work hard. There will be mixed situation in married life. Time is not good for the unmarried. You will feel relief from enemies. If you are able to postpone the journey, avoid it.
How to remove inauspicious effects – If you want to get auspicious results of the year, then drop sesame oil on raw ground. Dogs should be given bread every Saturday and Thursday. Offer the flag in any temple.
Radix 9 and your new year
If you are born on the calendar date 9, 18, 27 in any year, your radix will be 9. It is affected by Mars, while the number of the year is 21, 2 + 1 = 3, so the radix is 3. The number is influenced by Guru. This year will be for courage and talent. There will be a progressive environment with success in work. Extreme courage can create difficulties for you, so you have to be careful.
Time will be favorable in business but you have to be careful. Success will come only if the employees work with everyone’s cooperation. Time will be right for the students and children. Avoid postponement of debate. The mind will be restless but nothing to worry about. Time will be pleasing in family matters. Will be successful in economic efforts. People associated with politics will get favorable status. Students will be able to taste the best success by paying more attention to class education.
How to remove inauspicious effects – Offer a flag in the Bajrang temple to get auspiciousness from the year. Applying a long tilak of vermilion will keep year-round.