Markesh In Astrology

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on "Markesh in Astrology'' by Vedic astrologer Kapoor. Let’s delve into the concept of Markesh in astrology, exploring its meaning, significance, and various related aspects. Astrology has always been a fascinating subject, guiding individuals through the intricacies of life. Understanding Markesh can provide valuable insights into planetary influences and their effects on different areas of life. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries surrounding Markesh!

What Does a Maraka Planet Do?

Maraka planets, also known as Markesh, play a crucial role in astrology. These planets have the potential to cause harm and bring unfortunate events in a person's life. When a Maraka planet is strong and afflicted, it can indicate the possibility of serious health issues or even death. Understanding the influence of Maraka planets is essential for astrologers to provide accurate predictions and guide individuals in overcoming potential challenges.

What is Markesh in Palmistry?

While astrology primarily deals with the study of celestial bodies, palmistry offers valuable insights through the examination of palm lines and structures. Markesh in palmistry refers to certain markings or signs on the palm that indicate potential risks or negative events in a person's life. These markings are analyzed by palmists to provide guidance and precautions to individuals, helping them navigate through difficult periods and make informed decisions.

Which Planet Affects the Stock Market?

The stock market is a dynamic and ever-changing realm influenced by various factors, including planetary movements. Among the planets, Mercury is known to have a significant impact on the stock market. Mercury is associated with communication, commerce, and financial transactions. Its favorable or unfavorable positioning in an individual's birth chart can influence their financial success in trading or investing in the stock market.

What is the Meaning of Marak Grah?

Marak Grah, also known as the planet of death, refers to the malefic planets in Vedic astrology that have the potential to cause harm or adverse effects. The term "Marak Grah" is derived from Sanskrit, where "Marak" means death and "Grah" means planet. These malefic planets can bring challenges, obstacles, and unfortunate events in a person's life. Identifying and understanding the influence of Marak Grah is crucial for astrologers to provide accurate predictions and guide individuals accordingly.

What is Markesh Dosh in Astrology?

Markesh Dosh is a concept in Astrology that relates to the malefic influence of certain planets. When a person's birth chart shows the presence of Markesh Dosh, it signifies potential challenges, risks, or negative events in their life. The impact of Markesh Dosh can manifest in various aspects, such as health issues, financial setbacks, or relationship problems. Astrologers analyze the birth chart to identify Markesh Dosh and provide remedies to mitigate its effects.

What are the Houses of Maraka in Astrology?

In Vedic astrology, specific houses are associated with Maraka, the houses that have the potential to cause death or serious harm. The eighth house and the twelfth house are considered Maraka houses. The eighth house represents longevity, transformations, and inheritances, while the twelfth house represents losses, expenses, and isolation. The positioning and aspects of planets in these houses play a crucial role in determining the potential risks and challenges in an individual's life.

Which is Markesh?

In astrology, Markesh is not a specific planet but refers to the planet that can cause harm or bring unfortunate events based on its positioning and influence in a person's birth chart. The identification of Markesh requires a detailed analysis of the birth chart, considering the placement of planets and their aspects. Different individuals may have different planets as their Markesh, depending on their unique birth chart configurations.

Markesh Dasha Remedies

When an individual is going through Markesh Dasha, a period associated with potential challenges or negative events, certain remedies can be performed to alleviate its effects. These remedies vary based on the specific planet causing the Markesh Dasha and the individual's birth chart. Consulting with a knowledgeable astrologer is crucial to receive personalized guidance and remedies tailored to one's specific astrological configuration.

Markesh Dasha Period

The Markesh Dasha period is a phase in an individual's life when the influence of the Markesh planet is prominent and can manifest in various challenges or adverse events. The duration and intensity of the Markesh Dasha period depend on the specific planetary configuration in the birth chart. During this period, it is essential to remain cautious, take necessary precautions, and seek guidance from astrologers to navigate through potential difficulties.

How to Find Markesh Dosh in Kundli?

Identifying Markesh Dosh in a Kundli, or birth chart, requires a comprehensive analysis of the planetary positions and their influences. An astrologer examines the houses and their lords, the aspects, and the conjunctions to identify the presence of Markesh Dosh. Various combinations and planetary alignments indicate the potential for Markesh Dosh in a Kundli. Consulting an experienced astrologer is crucial to receive accurate insights and remedies to mitigate its effects.

What is Markesh Planet?

Markesh Planet refers to the specific planet in an individual's birth chart that has the potential to cause harm, negative events, or challenges. The Markesh Planet varies for each person, depending on their unique birth chart configuration. Analyzing the positioning, aspects, and strength of planets is essential to determine the Markesh Planet accurately. Consulting an astrologer is recommended for a thorough analysis and personalized guidance.

Jupiter is Markesh Means?

Jupiter being a benefic planet in Vedic astrology is generally not considered a Markesh. However, in specific birth chart configurations, if Jupiter is weak, afflicted, or in a challenging position, it can become a Markesh and cause negative influences. The impact of Jupiter as a Markesh can vary based on the individual's birth chart. Detailed analysis by an experienced astrologer is crucial to accurately interpret the effects of Jupiter as a Markesh.


Understanding Markesh in astrology provides valuable insights into potential challenges and negative influences in a person's life. From Maraka planets to Markesh Dosh and the houses associated with Maraka, astrology offers guidance to navigate through difficulties. By consulting with experienced astrologers and following personalized remedies, individuals can mitigate the effects of Markesh and lead a more harmonious and fulfilling life.


1. What does a Maraka planet do?

Maraka planets, also known as Markesh, have the potential to cause harm and bring unfortunate events in a person's life. They can indicate health issues or even death.

2. What is Markesh in palmistry?

Markesh in palmistry refers to certain markings or signs on the palm that indicate potential risks or negative events in a person's life. Palmists analyze these markings to provide guidance and precautions.

3. Which planet affects the stock market?

Mercury, associated with communication and commerce, has a significant influence on the stock market. Its positioning in an individual's birth chart can impact financial success in trading or investing.

4. What is the meaning of Marak Grah?

Marak Grah refers to malefic planets that can cause harm or adverse effects in a person's life. Identifying and understanding Marak Grah is crucial for accurate predictions and guidance.

5. What is Markesh Dosh in astrology?

Markesh Dosh signifies the malefic influence of certain planets in a birth chart, leading to potential challenges or negative events in life. Remedies are provided to mitigate its effects.

6. What are the houses of Maraka in astrology?

The eighth house and the twelfth house are considered Maraka houses in astrology. They represent longevity, transformations, inheritances, losses, expenses, and isolation.

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