Free Accurate Future Prediction By Date Of Birth And Time

Free Accurate Future Prediction by Date of Birth and Time

Free accurate future prediction by date of birth and time 

Detailed prediction of life according to astrology

The 'Kundali' is that chakra, through which the position of the zodiac in a given period is known. The zodiac is associated with the circle of revolution, whose position is not the same in different countries due to the difference of latitudes. Therefore, in order to know the position of the zodiac, it is necessary to know the local time and the position of the rise of the zodiac signs (Swodaya) in their place. The clocks tell the time of the sun at a certain meridian. From this, with the help of the tables, which are given in the almanacs, we have to find the local clear time. The local clear time is called the Ishtakal. The zodiac which is in the eastern horizon during Ishtkaal is called Ascendant. Lagna is known by the knowledge of the immediate apparent Sun and the rising times of the local signs. This makes it possible to determine the zodiac's position. In the Indian system, Lagna is also taken care of. Lagna Sion is taken in the western system. Apart from this, they also know the zodiac meridian (tenth ascendant). In the Indian system, the sign in which the ascendant is in is written upwards and the remaining signs are written counterclockwise. The ascendant is visualized as the first house and the zodiac sign after that as the second house etc. The number of houses is determined by their position in the horoscope. The signs are expressed by numbers and the planets by their initials. This type of zodiac is called a horoscope. The seven planets considered in the Indian system are Sun, Moon, Mars, etc. Apart from this, there are also two Tama planets, which are called Rahu and Ketu. Rahu is always considered to be situated on the ecliptic and the ascent of the moon's orbit and Ketu on the descent. According to the house with which they are situated, or the house with which they are situated, their results change. Being tamograha in nature, their results are inauspicious.

Astrology is a deep field and astrologers have to study one's birth chart very deeply to predict one's future. In today's run-of-the-mill life, people are unable to find the right astrologer / Acharya and due to lack of time, many times they have to suffer losses by wrong astrologers. As a solution to these things, now facilities like online astrology consultation are available. Which gives you accurate predictions according to your date of birth and proper consultation by expert Acharyas directly on your mobile phone. Do you also want to know about your future? So download our Vedic Astrologer Kapoor App now and get detailed life predictions according to astrology.

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