Telugu Jathakam For Marriage Based On Date Of Birth

September 07, 2022 | astrology
Telugu jathakam for marriage based on the date of birth
Telugu jathakam for marriage based on the date of birth can help you take the big decision of marriage and choose the right Life Partner for you. Knowing the personality helps you know the person.
Telugu jathakam for marriage based on the date of birth can help you take the big decision of marriage and choose the right Life Partner for you. Knowing the personality helps you know the person.
What will you look like according to your date of birth?
According to Numerology, a man's personality can be told by the last digit of the date of birth. This is explained by a famous numerologist. No matter your date of birth, the day of your birth also has an impact on your life. All this is possible only according to numerology.
Numerology is a great science. This science has benefited many people. Another thing that some people don't know is that every number on your birthday and every letter in your name have equal importance. Along with that, there is a big message hidden. Such a message can be easily known by the last digit of your birthday.
How to find the last digit of your birthday?
First write your date of birth in full to identify the last digit, i.e. the first date, then the month and finally the year. The last digit means the last in your year of birth. For example, if a person was born on September 14, 1990, then the last digit of the date of birth is zero. Number Zero (born in 1950, 60, 70, 80, 90, 00, etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those whose last number is zero mean that they belong to the metal element category. You are very intelligent and able to take a decision without any doubt. You can do everything by yourself and hide your true personality from everyone. Otherwise very few people know your real personality. Your personality is very good and everyone likes it.
More importantly, they are the real underdogs who will continue to struggle until they win and get the best position.
More importantly, they are the real underdogs who will continue to struggle until they win and get the best position.
Number One (born in 1951, 61, 71, 81, 91, 01, 2011, etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those with the last digit of the number one are also associated with the metal element. You are very competitive and feel happy about everything you win. Everyone gets inspired by you and fights like a warrior to achieve your dreams, never giving up on anything so easily and fighting till the last breath.
Some tips to improve your personality:
Nothing in this world is flawless, so don't expect anything like that. Whatever the circumstances are you have to adjust and adopt some rules to deal with such situations and move forward.
Number 2 (born in 1952, 62, 72, 82, 92, 02, 2022, etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those with the last digit of the number 2 belong to the water element. You have two personalities. It is one way with those who love and are close to you and another way with strangers and those with little contact. The difference between them is very easy to spot. Since they belong to the water element, it is impossible to stick to one personality.
Some tips to improve your personality:
Whatever happens to you, do not take it seriously. It is better to ignore it as much as possible, you should learn this as much as possible. So stop taking everything to heart and live happily.
Number 3 (born in 1953, 63, 73, 83, 93, 03, 2023, etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those with the last digit of the number 3 belong to the water element. You have a multidimensional personality. You approach life extremely different than I do. A decision is made with such different thoughts, that decision may be based on your opinion or someone else's opinion.
Some tips to improve your personality:
It's acceptable to hold divergent opinions, but you should also pay attention to what other people have to say. It is not okay to be unwilling to respect their ideas.
Number 4 (born in 1954, 64, 74, 84, 94, 04, 2024 etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those with the last digit number 4 belong to the wood element. Your personality is how you know what is happening around you. You understand very quickly what other people's needs are. Your thoughts are your assets.
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A suggestion to improve your personality :
You don't have to answer everyone for everything, so don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Number 5 (born in 1955, 65, 75, 85, 95, 05, 2025 etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those with the last digit of the number 5 belong to the element of Wood. You have good feelings like pity and compassion for others and your personality contributes a lot to winning you as a human being and that is your strength. You can get what you want. Panchabhutas which are essential in our life will further enhance your personality.
Numerology suggests this for you:
Learn to set aside time for personal and social life separately. If it's not a difficult task, spend some time living in two halves.
Number 6 (born in 1956, 66, 76, 86, 96, 06, 2026 etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, the number 6 sq Those with the number 1 belongs to the element Agni. You like to look at the dark side of everything in life and find happiness. Not only that but you also get to explore the dark side of yourself and understand your personality, that too in a good way. In addition, you have great power. It means that you can very easily cut out of your life someone who scares or threatens you.
Follow these tips if you want your personality to be even better:
Do not be too possessive in any relationship. Give your partner as much personal space as they need.
Number 7 (born in 1957, 67, 77, 87, 97, 07, 2027 etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those with the last digit number 7 belong to the fire element. You have a wonderful personality. They are very loving towards others. It is uttered with a smile. Some secrets are also hidden behind that smile, so many people are interested in it. But that smile is effective. So that's good.
A hint of your personality:
Don't put too much pressure on yourself and live calmly.
Number 8 (born in 1958, 68, 78, 88, 98, 08, 2028 etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those with the last digit number 8 belong to the element Earth. If the eighth digit of your date of birth is 8, then you have very serious and deep thoughts. You will get new ideas and such unexpected intentions that nobody knows. You just love to have meaningful conversations. Another thing that is important about this personality is that you value those you love and are close to.
Follow these tips and your personality will grow to a better level:
It is okay to help others but not to make sacrifices and realize that you are essential.
Number 9 (born in 1959, 69, 79, 89, 99, 09, 2029, etc.)
According to Zero Numerology and I Ching Numerology, those whose last digit is number 9 belong to the earth element. The ideas you make are carefully thought out. People who do not relate to your ideas will respond more cautiously when approached. Your way of thinking is the best. Not only your words but also the actions you do are the best and no one can point that out.
Some suggestions to improve your personality :
Make your thoughts very thorough, listen carefully to what others have to say and respect their thoughts as well.