Vastu For Students And Study Room

Vastu for Students and Study Room

When it comes to academic success, creating the right environment plays a crucial role. The ancient science of Vastu Shastra offers valuable insights into harmonizing spaces and optimizing their energy flow. In this comprehensive guide, Vedic astrologer Kapoor shares his expertise and reveals the secrets of Vastu for students and study rooms. Whether your child's study room faces south or east, you'll discover the best practices for designing a Vastu-compliant study room. From choosing the ideal location to incorporating plants and implementing concentration-enhancing techniques, this article will empower you to create an environment that supports your child's educational journey. Let's delve into the world of Vastu for children's study rooms and unlock the potential for academic excellence!

Vastu for Children's Study Room in South-Facing Houses

Setting up a study room in a south-facing house requires careful consideration of Vastu principles. Here are some essential guidelines to ensure a conducive environment for studying:

[1] Orientation of the Study Table: Place the study table in the northeast corner of the room, facing east. This positioning aligns with the Earth's magnetic field and promotes concentration and mental clarity.

[2] Lighting: Ensure ample natural light in the study room. Position windows or skylights on the east or north side to allow the morning sunlight to energize the space. Install curtains or blinds to control the intensity of light during different times of the day.

[3] Color Scheme: Opt for light and soothing colors for the study room walls, such as shades of yellow or cream. These colors create a positive ambiance and enhance focus.

[4] Storage and Organization: Maintain a clutter-free study room by providing adequate storage solutions. Use cabinets or shelves to keep books, stationery, and study materials neatly arranged.

[5] Avoid Distractions: Keep electronic devices like televisions and gaming consoles out of the study room to minimize distractions and maintain a peaceful environment.

By following these Vastu guidelines, you can create an ideal study room for children in south-facing houses, setting the stage for improved focus and academic performance.

Vastu for Children's Study Room in East-Facing Houses

If your child's study room is located in an east-facing house, here are the key Vastu principles to consider for an optimal learning environment:

[1] Position of the Study Table: Place the study table in the north or northeast corner of the room, facing east. This arrangement ensures that the child faces east while studying, benefiting from the positive energy of the rising sun.

[2] Windows and Ventilation: Allow ample natural light and fresh air to flow into the study room. Install windows on the east and north sides to maximize the benefits of sunlight and ventilation.

[3] Color Selection: Choose light and pastel shades for the study room walls. Colors like light blue, green, or white create a soothing atmosphere and stimulate focus and productivity.

[4] Ergonomic Furniture: Invest in comfortable and ergonomic furniture for the study room. A well-designed chair and desk promote good posture and prevent physical discomfort during long study sessions.

[5] Dealing with Clutter: Encourage regular decluttering to maintain a clean and organized study room. Remove unnecessary items and ensure that the study materials are easily accessible and well-arranged.

By adhering to these Vastu recommendations, you can enhance the energy flow in the study room of an east-facing house, promoting academic excellence and overall well-being.

Optimal Study Room Location as per Vastu

Determining the ideal location for the study room is crucial for creating a favorable environment for learning. Here are some Vastu guidelines to help you select the perfect spot:

[1] Northeast Corner: The northeast corner of the house is considered highly auspicious for the study room. This location aligns with the cosmic energy and promotes intellectual growth and clarity of thought.

[2] East or North: If the northeast corner is unavailable, consider placing the study room in either the east or north direction of the house. These directions facilitate the flow of positive energy, enabling better concentration and focus.

[3] Avoid Under Stairs or Bathrooms: Ensure that the study room is not positioned under a staircase or adjacent to a bathroom. These areas accumulate negative energy and may hinder academic progress.

[4] Separate Space: Dedicate a separate room for studying whenever possible. This helps create a distinct learning environment and promotes a focused mindset.

[5] Proximity to the Main Entrance: Avoid placing the study room in close proximity to the main entrance of the house. This prevents distractions and ensures a quiet atmosphere.

Considering these factors when choosing the study room location according to Vastu principles can significantly contribute to your child's academic success and overall well-being.

The Power of Plants: Incorporating Vastu-Friendly Greenery

Plants not only add natural beauty to a study room but also have a positive impact on the energy flow. Here are some Vastu-friendly plants to consider for your child's study room:

[1] Tulsi (Holy Basil): Tulsi is revered for its spiritual significance and positive energy. Keeping a Tulsi plant in the study room can purify the environment and promote concentration.

[2] Money Plant: The Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum) is believed to attract wealth and prosperity. Its vibrant green leaves bring a refreshing touch to the study room.

[3] Lucky Bamboo: The Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is known for its resilience and ability to bring good luck. It symbolizes growth and can create a harmonious atmosphere in the study room.

[4] Areca Palm: The Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens) is an excellent choice for improving air quality and creating a calming effect. It adds a tropical touch to the study room while purifying the surrounding air.

[5] Snake Plant: The Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) is renowned for its air-purifying properties. It releases oxygen at night, making it an ideal choice for the study room where your child spends long hours.

Remember to place the plants in appropriate locations based on their Vastu characteristics and take care of them regularly to maintain their positive impact on the study environment.

Vastu Tips to Increase Concentration in Studies

Enhancing concentration is crucial for effective studying. By implementing these Vastu tips, you have the ability to establish an atmosphere that maximizes concentration and efficiency.

[1] De-Clutter Regularly: A cluttered study room can hinder concentration. Encourage your child to tidy up the study space regularly, keeping it organized and free from unnecessary distractions.

[2] Optimal Lighting: Ensure proper lighting in the study room. Natural light is preferred, but if it's not sufficient, use bright artificial lighting to create an energizing ambiance.

[3] Avoid Mirrors: Refrain from placing mirrors in the study room. Mirrors can reflect and multiply energy, which may lead to restlessness and distraction.

[4] Right Study Direction: Position the study table in such a way that your child faces east or north while studying. This alignment helps harness the positive energy from these directions.

[5] Inspiring Wall Decor: Hang motivational quotes, educational posters, or artwork related to knowledge and success on the study room walls. These visuals can inspire and uplift your child's spirit while studying.

Implementing these Vastu tips alongside your child's study routine can significantly improve focus, concentration, and overall academic performance.


By integrating Vastu principles into the study room of your child, you have the opportunity to cultivate an environment that fosters their academic development and overall welfare. From considering the orientation of the study table and selecting the ideal study room location to incorporating Vastu-friendly plants and implementing concentration-enhancing techniques, every aspect contributes to a harmonious and conducive study environment. Consult with Vedic astrologer Kapoor to receive expert guidance tailored to your specific needs. Empower your child with the benefits of Vastu for students and study rooms, and watch them thrive in their educational journey with confidence and success!

FAQs : 

Q1. Should the study room be located on the ground floor or upper floor of the house?

Ideally, the study room should be on the ground floor. However, if that's not possible, choose a quiet and well-lit room on the upper floor.

Q2. Can the study room be in the bedroom?

It's advisable to have a separate study room, but if space is a constraint, you can create a designated study area within the bedroom following Vastu principles.

Q3. Which colors are best for stimulating focus and concentration in the study room?

Light and soothing colors such as shades of yellow, cream, light blue, and green are ideal for the study room, as they promote a calm and focused mindset.

Q4. Is it beneficial to have a bookshelf in the study room?

Yes, having a bookshelf in the study room is beneficial as it promotes organization and easy access to study materials. Keep the books neatly arranged and clutter-free.

Q5. Are there any specific Vastu remedies for improving memory and academic performance?

To enhance memory and academic performance, you can chant the Gayatri Mantra, keep a Saraswati Yantra in the study room, or perform regular meditation and breathing exercises.

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